Sunday, October 26, 2008

week 4

This week i have read book from chapters 12 to 14. In chapter 12, Oliver was sick for days, he was brought over to Mr. Brownlow's house and was treated by Mrs.Bedwin. When Oliver starts to walk arounds in the house, he sees portrait of women that he feels comforted by. One day, when Mr.Brownlow checks on Oliver, he reconginizes Oliver similar to the women and all of a sudden Oliver faints.In chapter 13 Charlie and Doger returns to Fagin without Oliver. Fagin is furious and throws beer at them. Instead, Sikes is hit. They send out Nancy to find out what has happend to him and they find out that Mr.Brownlow is in custody of him. One day, Mr.Brownlow calls him over to his study and asks for errand to deliver money to the owner of the bookstore and Oiver never comes back again.
I think these chapters were showing little bits about the life of the upper class in the industrialization era. Such as giving details of what those homes in the era looked like and how they lived inside. I wonder what connection there is between Oliver and the women in the portrait. Also what kinds of connection between those two people and Mr.Brownlow has. I think there will be some connections between the villans and Oliver directly in this story. I wonder what kinds of hidden secrets are there.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week 3

This week I read the book from chapters 9 through 11. In chapter 9 Oliver wakes up the next morning and sights Fagin taking out box of jewelries. All of sudden Fagin turns arounds with bread knife and threatens Oliver to tell him what he has seen and Oliver lies that he has not seen anything. Oliver starts to have pickpocketing lesson and he meets Beth and Nancy for the first time. In chapter 10 Oliver goes pickpocketing with Charlie and Dodger for the first time. In front of the Book store, they see a old man looking for a book. They try to pickpocket him but they are caught, Charlie and Dodger runs away but Oliver is caught. In chapter 11 Oliver is now in jail. Mr Brownlow, the victim recognizes Oliver somehow and does not wishes any charges against him. Oliver is in front of judge and sentenced for the hard labor. However, the owner of bookstore testifies that Oliver did not pickpocket Mr.Brownlow, therefore, Oliver is cleared and goes to Mr.Brownlow's house
I think this part of the chapter had shown some of the criminal problems that were present during the 19th century. As the capitalistic society emerged there were problems of unemployment and poverty. People who could not work had to do something to make money, so their choice was to steal and use children as source of their money. I wonder how Mr. Brownlow and Oliver is related

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 2

This week I have read this book from Chapter 5 through Chapter 8. In chapter 5 Oliver starts to work as a undertaker for Mr.Sowerberry, his first jobs was in the funeral who starved to death and did not have any money, Mr. Sowerberry was brutal towards poor and Oilver found it disturbing for Oliver was a boy with good hearts and mercy.s In chapter 6, Oliver gains more experiences in undertaking business and many people prefered Oliver over Noah. Noah who felt jealous, one day came to Oliver and irritated him. Oliver was so mad that he attacked Noah and Oliver was accused for it. In chapter 7 Noah and Oliver is now in front of Mr. Bumble and Mr. Bumble assumes that Oliver had gone crazy because of excessive eating. Oliver decides to run away.In chapter 8 Oliver tries to walk to the London. On the way he sees the sign stating that beggers will be arrested. When Oliver is near London. He meets a boy named Dodger, he buys Oliver a meal and takes him to London where his guardian and he lives.
As I have expected through out the story, there were lots of small indicators that demonstrated the aspects life of poor people's live in 19th century England. For example in chapter 5, when Oliver was on his job for the first time, Mr. Sowerberry takes away the scarf that the pauper is wearing.It shows that Mr.Sowerberry is too busy only thinking about himself. Also, I think Noah shows how selfish people were back in the time because Noah cannot stand success of his co-worker and eventually makes him to leave.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 1

This week I read Oliver Twist. Basically, this book is about a orphan who is living in 19th century Britain. His name is Oliver Twist, he is having miserable life in orphanage because the supervisor in the Orphanage only cares about profits for themselves. From Chapter 1 to chaper 4 there are not much things that are going on, this part of the book is just basically setting up the setting for the whole story, in chapter 1 Oilver is born and her mom is dead right away and someone takes Oliver's mom's ring in the process. In chapter 2, Oliver moves to the branch workhouse and have his ninth birthday over there, as Oilver becomes 9 he is no longer able to stay in workhouse, therefore he has to look for a job now. In chapter 3 one day, chimney sweep came to orphanage and was looking of a worker, however, Oliver does not become a chimney sweep because there were reports of too many people being dead. In chapter 4, there is a undertaker that is willing to take Oilver to work. Mr. Sowerberry, his employer takes him to his house and give him meat and after Oilver is done eating he goes to bed.
Although I am not a historian or I never lived in 19th century Britain. This book demonstrates that 19th century was a place where it was only set up for the rich people and money was the only thing that people cared about. If we had society like it appears on the book in modern times, it would be considered as inhumane because adults in this book is making the children do the work which is strictly prohitbitied now days. I kind of wondered how can those people be so brutal to those helpless childrens because they never even had chances to see their parents, how could those supervisors and employers could be so blindfolded by the pursuit of wealth? They were starving their children that thet were supposed to be protected and fed.I think throughout the courses of this story, they will have more aspects of demonstrating the dark side of the industiralization in the 19th century

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


There was a old man named David. His face was full of wrinkles and barely able to find any skins that were not wrinkles, his voice squeaked every time he spoke, he barely had any fats in any parts of his body, he was so skinny that bones were showing off. Whenever he walked he limped and he slouched over because his backs hurt when he walked up straight. David was a lonely man, since all his children grew up and his wife was dead, he was living alone, there was barely, any visitors in his house except for Chirstmas. Whenever, he saw people he no longer wanted to talk to them because he sought no meaning of talking if the person he was talking did not really want to talk to him but just responding at him just because he looked lonely and poor.