Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 2

This week I have read this book from Chapter 5 through Chapter 8. In chapter 5 Oliver starts to work as a undertaker for Mr.Sowerberry, his first jobs was in the funeral who starved to death and did not have any money, Mr. Sowerberry was brutal towards poor and Oilver found it disturbing for Oliver was a boy with good hearts and mercy.s In chapter 6, Oliver gains more experiences in undertaking business and many people prefered Oliver over Noah. Noah who felt jealous, one day came to Oliver and irritated him. Oliver was so mad that he attacked Noah and Oliver was accused for it. In chapter 7 Noah and Oliver is now in front of Mr. Bumble and Mr. Bumble assumes that Oliver had gone crazy because of excessive eating. Oliver decides to run away.In chapter 8 Oliver tries to walk to the London. On the way he sees the sign stating that beggers will be arrested. When Oliver is near London. He meets a boy named Dodger, he buys Oliver a meal and takes him to London where his guardian and he lives.
As I have expected through out the story, there were lots of small indicators that demonstrated the aspects life of poor people's live in 19th century England. For example in chapter 5, when Oliver was on his job for the first time, Mr. Sowerberry takes away the scarf that the pauper is wearing.It shows that Mr.Sowerberry is too busy only thinking about himself. Also, I think Noah shows how selfish people were back in the time because Noah cannot stand success of his co-worker and eventually makes him to leave.

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